2022 Oversight Committee members celebrated BFSA Annual Juneteenth kickoff. From left: Carmen Tanner, Arleen Smith, Renee Green, Brianna Hobbs, Malika Buchanan and Mac Siner.


The Black Faculty and Staff Alliance (BFSA) is comprised of UT Dallas personnel who are connected by factors such as culture, race, ethnicity, and common interests and/or goals. Membership in the UT Dallas BFSA ERG is available to all UT Dallas employees. For more information, email us at BFSA@utdallas.edu.

Our Mission

The Black Faculty and Staff Alliance (BFSA) aims to advance a diverse and welcoming work environment with a particular focus on Black & African American current and future employees. Working through a dedicated network of professionals, the BFSA undertakes internal and external activities to attract, retain, empower, and inspire Black & African American employees. These efforts are geared toward helping Black faculty and staff members achieve their fullest potential across the spectrum of professional development and employment opportunities at UT Dallas.  

    Benefits of Membership

    • Access to professional development events and resources.
    • Safe spaces in which the well-being of Black faculty and staff are the focus.
    • Opportunities to make a difference in the community volunteering opportunities.
    • Engage with internal and external leadership.
    • Ability to advocate for Black and African employees.
    • Provide support, advice, or just a sounding board in a safe and confidential environment.
    • Provide employees a strong sense of belonging in addition to connect with other likeminded employees.

    Juneteenth 2023

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